Sunday 3 April 2011

The Begining of the End

Hello everyone,
The past week has been rather crazy. My parents arrived after a long journey on Tuesday. With very little sleep and a quick meal later, they were ready to sleep. Denying themselves the chance to sleep, they hopped on the First Bus(First is the local bus company) to see my flat. After a quick tour of Aberdeen University and the surrounding area, we headed over to a local fish and chips shop for some grub. The "Whale Challenge" called my name. The whale is basically a sixteen ounce, hand battered, deep fried, cod fillet. It was the best "whale" I have ever had. I finished all of it and the chips for a free dessert. It was a good meal to say the least.
(Artery Clogging Bliss)

The following day we went down to Saint Andrews. I have never seen such anticipation in Leigh Smith. Saint Andrews is located about an hour and half south by train of Aberdeen. Once you get of the train, it is about a ten minute bus ride into Saint Andrews from Leuchars Rail Station. As we approached the town, Leigh was not sitting on his seat, but squatting just above it trying to get the first view of the Old Course. The first thing after the Welcome to Saint Andrews sign is the Old Course Hotel. Leigh's eyes lit up when he saw this historic monument. We then commenced to walking around as much of the Old Course as we could. I have never seen such a spring in Leigh's step. He started rattling off historic shots he had seen televised. He especially liked the seventeen hole which forces many professional players to hit over the Old Course Hotel. Saint Andrews is a beautiful course. There is a huge difference between it and American course. American courses have narrower fairways and an abundance of trees. Saint Andrews has no trees at all. It was cool to see my Dad get so excited about Saint Andrews. I can't really imagine him being any more excited the rest of the trip. (Family Picture in front of the 18th hole)

Friday, we took the train down to Edinburgh. It was a little stressful traveling with parents for once. I am used to traveling just by myself or with a bunch of people my own age. Here, I had to worry about many things other than myself. My mom and dad did not pack the lightest. This is a traditional Smith habit. Leigh has a fully loaded back pack, duffel, and carry on. Debbi has a 50 pound rolling suit case, and an equally heavy carry on. However, Leigh can only manage his luggage, and his own and my five foot mother cannot handle hers. Therefore, I am stuck with her carry on, 50 pound suitcase, and my own back pack. Tensions ran a little high on the trip down by train to Edinburgh.

We quickly settled in to our hotel. I had to sleep on the floor, but considering my parents came to visit me, it is safe to say I am not complaining. It was an exciting two days in Edinburgh. Unlike Aberdeen, Edinburgh is a huge city. I could walk around the city for days and discover new things every day. We ended up going to the castle, and exploring quite a bit of the rest of the city. It was blast, and there was still so much to see. The most memorable part of the castle was a guy dressed like William Wallace. For those uneducated in Braveheart, it is Mel Gibson's character who paints his face blue.

(Debbi and I on top of Edinburgh in Edinburgh Castle)


I am now approaching new territory. My parents and I are currently on the train to London. Don't worry, all of the luggage made it on the train successfully. I have been wanting to get down to London for quite some time, but I knew I was coming down here with my parents so decided to wait. There is already a difference in the landscape and architecture. I would describe it as a trip from Indiana down through Tennessee. We are about three hours into our train ride, and I keep looking out the window and smiling. the landscape is beautiful, and I am one lucky guy for having this opportunity. I am even luckier having my parents along for the ride, even with the adjustment to having some authority back in my life.

The blog was title The Beginning of the End because I have already realized time is going to seem to short. I am finally beginning to understand the W CURVE. This curve attempts to explain transitioning individuals between relocation. Scotland is a wonderful place to study abroad. This is a reality that just will not last. I applied for my old position at Medical Protective while on the train to London, I am already half way done with my time in Scotland, and I barely have four weeks of school left. It is up to me to enjoy every last second and pint! I will update the blog as soon as I can. I meet up with Kevin Martinez, my cousin who is coming to visit me, on Thursday. We then head to Paris, Munich, and Zurich. It is about to be a fun two weeks!

Peace and Love!

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